


Zugehörig zur Kanzlei seit: 2005
Zulassung zum Anwalt: 2005
Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch

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  • Dr. iur.
  • Rechtsanwalt

Akademischer & beruflicher Werdegang

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Studium der Rechtswissenschaften

Oberlandesgericht München

Universität Salzburg

Hochschule Fresenius München
Privatdozent für Wirtschaftsrecht/Schwerpunkt gewerblicher Rechtsschutz


  • AIPPI (Internationale Vereinigung für den Schutz des Geistigen Eigentums)
  • Die Jungen Unternehmer
  • GRUR (Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht e.V.)
  • INTA (International Trademark Association)
  • Münchener Anwalt Verein e.V.
  • Rechtsanwaltskammer München


Christian Thomas has been handling trademark matters at the firm for nearly 20 years. He has filed thousands of trademark and design applications and has cultivated unique expertise in the protection of spare parts and accessories...."
(2024, World Trademark Review (WTR) 1000)

"... Christian Thomas splits his time between this new outpost and the group's main IP hub in Freising. "Christian is an excellent lawyer. He is very straightforward, has an incredible amount of knowledge and his work product is always top quality..."
(2023, World Trademark Review (WTR) 1000)

"Leading the department is Christian Thomas, who has been resident at the firm since the start of his career in 2005; in the intervening time he has filed thousands of trademark and design applications, appeared in countless disputes and developed niche insight on the IP protection of spare parts and accessories. Christian is a bright and experienced trademark attorney who gives practical advice in a cost-effective manner. He is good at negotiating settlement agreements on terms that align with clients' objectives."
(2022, World Trademark Review (WTR) 1000)

"Leading the charge is Christian Thomas, a seasoned IP adviser and litigator who frequently appears before the German civil courts, the Federal German Patent Court and the CJEU, and understands the intricacies of obtaining IP protection for spare parts and accessories."
(Februar 2021, World Trademark Review (WTR) 1000)

"Extremely trustworthy and reliable, Christian delivers top-notch results. He is responsive and to the point, as well as being great fun to work with. An excellent lawyer, he partners well with companies that have international ambitions."
(Februar 2020, World Trademark Review (WTR) 1000)

"KUHNEN & WACKER collaborates closely with clients on the full spectrum of trademark matters – from clearance checks through portfolio management all the way up to hot-blooded enforcement. Because it has a close network of friends internationally, it can provide effective support in over 150 countries. What is more, its offices are rigged up with state-of-the-art IT infrastructure, meaning that all operations are handled seamlessly. Christian Thomas's technical sharpness and experience place him "among the best trademark prosecutors in Germany"."
(Januar 2019, World Trademark Review (WTR) 1000)

"Whatever the issue, prosecution, licensing or enforcement, Christian Thomas has the skill set and requisite experience to sort it out. He is as artful filing applications before the German Patent and Trademark Office as he is pleading in court."
(Januar 2018, World Trademark Review (WTR) 1000)

"Christian Thomas dispenses strong strategic counsel in a short timeframe and at a reasonable price. He has in-depth licensing, merchandising and anti-counterfeiting expertise." (Januar 2017, World Trademark Review (WTR) 1000)

"Christian Thomas is one of the best German IP lawyers and is highly specialised in trademark and design law. He is responsive, quick and pragmatic, and his answers are always short and to the point."
(Januar 2015, World Trademark Review (WTR) 1000)

"Christian Thomas is excellent. He is very efficient and his advice is always right on point. In litigation he takes a very practical approach, which helps secure victory after victory for the client." (Januar 2014, World Trademark Review (WTR) 1000)

WTR 1000 ist die weltweit einzige unabhängige Multimediapublikation, die sich ausschließlich mit Berichten rund um Markenthemen für in-house Anwälte und Anwälte in Kanzleien befasst.

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